

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


im leavin on a jet plane
Current mood: adventurous

     大家好!! 自從上次來部落格留言已經幾個禮拜了! 我最近忙著為去日本作準備!! 我們星期六就要出發了,好興奮呦!! 日本的專輯發行日是在7月9日,我們要在東京一個超酷的夜店—叫做Womb做一場Showcase! 住東京的人看到這個消息大概都會來吧!! 我們一定會玩得很開心,為了這場表演我們準備了好幾首新歌,我和團員們整天簡直除了彩排就是彩排,為了這天的來臨,我們都很興奮!! 還有昨天也是亞洲地區不同國家的專輯發行日喔! 我真的覺得我很受上帝的眷顧,也等不及看看這張專輯在各個市場的表現! 還有一件事我要告訴大家,這次我的音樂方向雖然有改變,不過我的心並沒有變,不過對很多人來說都有一種迷思,就是基督徒不可以唱流行歌曲或舞曲,否則就不是基督徒了!! 對上帝,我的心和熱情都是一樣的,而事實上,我的信心一天比一天堅定! 基督徒當然可以跳舞、享樂! 老實說….要是我的話,我不會只聽”Make Some Noise”和”Shine”兩首歌就來評斷整張專輯…..這張專輯有寫關於歡樂的,也有寫關於我對上帝的愛! 如果你不喜歡我的流行曲風而比較喜歡我之前的作品,也沒關係,不過身為一個藝人必須能夠成長以及自我挑戰! 我想說的是…..身為一個有絕對自分主義的歌手而言,對於別人的批評,我不會介意!! 我愛這張專輯,沒有人可以阻止我以新的面貌來挑戰自我!!!:)

      真是等不及要去日本,跟我的日本歌迷聊天,多做幾個專訪,還有拍宣傳照,我真的好高興,因為這次團員們都要一起去,所以這次一定超好玩!! 對於我的團員能親身體驗日本文化和友善的人們,我真的很為他們高興! 還有還有….在離開日本之前,BMG唱片的Kumi要帶我跟Alex還有Matt去東京迪士尼樂園玩喔! 哇!哇! 我一定會多照幾張照片回來給大家看看!! 我愛大家!! 趕快去iTune聽聽看”Shine”喔!!

    hey guys!!! sorry its been a few weeks since ive got on here to write a blog! ive been super busy getting ready to go to Japan!!! we leave on saturday and im super excited! the album releases over there on the 9th of July and we are gonna do a showcase at a really cool club in Tokyo called Womb! everyone who lives in Tokyo who reads this id love to see at the show!!! we are gonna have a blast! and we've prepared numerous new songs for the show!! the guys and i have been doing rehearsal after rehearsal after rehearsal workin our butts off for this show and we are suuuper excited!!!! :D also yesterday was the release of the new record in many different countries in asia!! im so blessed and excited to see what the Lord is doing and to see what He has in store for this record! also i just wanted you guys to know that just because im doing a new style of music it hasnt changed my heart, but honestly its kinda ludacris for anyone to think that Christians cant do dance/pop music and that that makes us not christian anymore! I have the same heart and the same passion for Christ, and its actually daily growing even stronger than it ever has been! and Christians can dance and have a good time! and seriously... i wouldnt judge the record after only hearing make some noise and shine... ive written fun songs for this record and also songs that show my heart and vulnerability and my love for the lord! so if you dont like dance music and you prefer my old music, thats ok, but part of being an artist is growing and challenging yourself! but enough of this... part of being anticonformity is not caring about what other people think!!!! i love this record and no one can make me regret putting my heart on the table in a new way!!! :)

    anyways im stoked to be going to japan again and spending time with my fans and doing more interviews and photo shoots and im soooo excited because my band guys are coming with me and its gonna be a blast! im so happy for the guys to get to see how amazing the japanese culture and people are, up close and personal!! aaaand before we leave japan alex, me, and matt and the amazing kumi from BMG are gonna go to TOKYO DISNEY LAND!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! ill be sure to take lots of pics and update you guys!! love yall!!! check shine on itunes!! :)




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